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Man arrested in alleged burglary of the home of the late Steve Jobs

 Posted on August 16, 2012 in Shoplifting, Robbery & Burglary

Among the items police say the 35-year-old stole, are thousands of dollars worth of Tiffany jewelry, a soda-maker, a blender, numerous Apple products and the driver's license of the late Steve Jobs. Authorities claim that the alleged burglar found the driver's license in a wallet that also contained a single one dollar bill.

It was an Apple product that authorities say led to the arrest of the man. Law enforcement says that the man used a stolen Apple product to log on to his iTunes account. Investigators from Apple say that they traced the Internet use to an IP address. Authorities reportedly narrowed in on the Alameda, California, man through the Internet trace.

Authorities say that the alleged theft crime was merely a crime of opportunity. Police do not think the man knew that the resdidence was that of the late Steve Jobs.

Police say that the man said questioning that he had been down on his luck--even sleeping in his car. Authorities believe the man noticed a home in Palo Alto, California undergoing a renovation. The man reportedly made his way over a fence and through the residential construction site after crews had left for the day sometime after 5:00 p.m. July 17 or early on the 18th.

Police say that the man found an open garage workshop that contained a key to the residence.

The Alameda man was arrested August 2 on suspicion of committing the burglary. He was booked into jail and held in lieu of $500,000 bond. He was arraigned on August 7, and is scheduled to appear in court again August 20.

Source: San Jose Mercury News, "Steve Jobs home burglary suspect accused of stealing wallet, driver's license, special computers with house key," Mike Rosenberg and Jason Green, Aug. 14, 2012

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